How to Become an Authentic Speaker

spontaneous speakers tend to lean more towards to a speech that has not been prepared. As shown in my visual creation. Being open to your audience is one of the best ways to become an authentic speaker, as well as connecting with your audience to better understand them. If you are passionate about your topic, you are more trusted by your audience, and they listen to you. Authentic speakers are likely to not be overly prepared and have everything they would like to say on the spot depending on their audience and the setting. Many political leaders or public speakers are very good at saying a speech that they don’t have to read from a paper which gives them the advantage of being trusted and more likely listened to by their audience. Practicing/ rehearing the speech at home while keeping in mind to connect with your audience will genuinely help you become a more authentic speaker. Expressing your feelings while rehearsing can also make it seem more natural to do so when you are giving that speech for real.


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