The HR School

an alternative to scientific management was the human relations movement |  Motivation theory, Scientific management, Management

the human relations management theory is a researched belief that people desire to be part of a supportive team that facilitates development and growth. Therefore, if employees receive special attention and are encouraged to participate, they perceive their work has significance, and they are motivated to be more productive, resulting in high quality work. The following human relations management theory basics became evident during human relation studies. this is from chapter 4 of the text, and it explains the importance and significance of HR school theory.

 In order to be satisfied there are many factors that need to take place, for example co-workers and peers, bonuses, money, appraisal. Elton Mayo began his experiment to prove the importance of people for productivity and not machines. He believed that people are motivated by social needs, and if they are provided those needs, they are most likely to work better and thrive. This is good both for the employee and the organization because employees will stay for longer, which will help them gain years of experience which is beneficial for the organizations as they won’t be needing to hire new people due to the previous ones leaving because of being unmotivated.


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